It is possible to deliver purchased goods at the Venduehuis der Notarissen te 's-Gravenhage at your address.
Also if you have goods that are auction worthy , we'll be able to pick it up and deliver it at the Venduehuis der Notarissen te 's-Gravenhage.
You can reach us about this by phone , or to send us an email.
We'll ask toy to pass on the purchased lotnumber(s) , date , auction date and phonenumber.
After we received the data , we'll be able to pass on the costs for our proceedings.
We work direct and carefull.
You can always reach us by phone 06-41493792.
If you need more information , concerning other proceedings , you can always contact us.
Kvk nr.: 27157554 Btw nr.: 804781862 Tel. : 06-41493792
ING Bank : 5098572 t.a.v. MT , Rijswijk BIC : INGBNL2A